IIA Programs

IIA Programs

Finding Early FundingThrough IIA Incentive Programs

Fueled by a vibrant entrepreneurial culture, robust technological infrastructure, and human talent that produces the world’s largest number of startups per capita, innovation is one of Israel’s most valuable resources.
Israel is also home to over 350 R&D centers of multinational corporations, many of them Fortune 500 companies, illustrating the nation’s deep and disproportionate impact on global innovation.

The Israel Innovation Authority, an independent publicly funded agency, was created to provide a variety of practical tools and funding platforms to effectively address the dynamic and changing needs of the local and international innovation ecosystems. This includes early-stage entrepreneurs, mature companies developing new products or manufacturing processes, academic groups seeking to transfer their ideas to the market, global corporations interested in Israeli technology and inventions, Israeli companies seeking new markets abroad, and traditional production facilities wishing to incorporate new advanced manufacturing methods into their businesses.

We at Mor Research Applications provide the support our inventors need in order to apply for the IIA’s incentive programs and grants that will make R&D of their novel ideas in healthcare possible.

The IIA offers various types of grants in the areas listed below.

Contact us to explore how we can help you apply and receive them.

This program promotes applied research of an innovative but technologically feasible solution born in academia, advancing it to the stage where an Israeli company can adopt it and develop a commercially viable product. 

Goal of the Incentive Program

To bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry needs, with significant milestones that make it attractive to businesses and can culminate in a commercialization agreements between the parties. Alternatively, the project may be guided by a corporation that envisions its subsequent market potential as part of the consortium, greatly increasing the research institution’s chances to see its idea commercialized.

Who is the incentive program for?

Research groups from all Israeli research institutions – universities, colleges, and medical centers seeking to conduct applied research, building upon prior basic research conducted in research groups.

What does it offer?

Financial support for further development efforts. The extent/duration of the support and its exemption from royalty repayment vary depending on the nature of the project (pharmaceuticals, devices, diagnostics, etc.) and the parties involved (research institution alone, corporation-led, partnering, etc). 

In each case the IIA may have a different percentage of participation, and the amounts granted can reach hundreds of thousands of shekels per year.

Contact Mor – We’ll guide you through the application process and improve your chances of receiving a grant.

Contact info

Dr. Sari Prutchi Sagiv

Director of Tech Transfer at Mor

sari@mor-research.com To Their Website Arrow right

Unleashing Disruptive Technologies in the Healthcare Sector

Goal of the Program

The Disruptive Innovation Program offers individual companies or groups of companies the opportunity to develop, validate, test and demonstrate groundbreaking technologies within a globally unique regulatory sandbox, the first one focused on Human Bio-convergence.

The program aims to provide a complete solution for global market opportunities to materialize, despite regulatory barriers, lack of regulation, or inability to integrate different companies and technologies. Following the program, companies will have a competitive advantage for accelerated entry into global markets. Another important objective is to increase the number of early-stage investments in sectors where there are not enough specialists or sector-oriented VCs, thus contributing to the development of Israel’s tech ecosystem.

Who is this program for? 

Israeli companies and start-ups developing disruptive and multi-purpose innovative products and technologies to meet the challenges and pains of bio-convergence in the healthcare market, from the early stages of technological development. Including:

  • Organoid-based systems for diagnostics and treatment
  • AI-based systems for diagnostics and personalized medicine
  • 3D printing of tissue/organs
  • Disruptive and innovative production processes
  • Disruptive and innovative biosensors

Enterprises, corporations, government entities or educational institutions – organizations that are interested in implementing innovative solutions in their respective areas of operation and want to provide a platform for developing, testing, and demonstrating disruptive solutions, can share their contact information in this link.

What do you get? 

Participants will benefit from support on regulatory issues, financing (subject to guidelines and policies), and an in-depth assessment of their proposed technology or solution by the Innovation Authority. This evaluation helps validate your ideas and provides valuable insights for further development.

Contact us at Mor to find out more on how we can help you through the application process. 

Contact info

Dr. Sari Prutchi Sagiv

Director of Tech Transfer at Mor

sari@mor-research.com To Their Website Arrow right

This incentive program provides grants for R&D collaboration as part of a consortium made up of a group of companies and research institutions developing technologies together. This creates opportunities for the industry to collaborate with other companies and academic research groups to develop groundbreaking technology. Through this program, research institutions can come closer to commercializing their ideas as well as understanding market needs. The consortium operates for 3 years.

Goal of the Incentive Program

To assist in the development of generic technologies in important fields in the global market, in which Israeli industry has, or may have, a competitive advantage. Since this incentive program supports the funding of infrastructure technologies, it allows the sharing of knowledge and cooperation between companies operating in the same field, which may be difficult to achieve otherwise.

This incentive program includes three kinds of consortiums:

Industrial Consortium – Includes several different fields of expertise with the participation of technology leaders from the Israeli industry that have a significant presence in the global market and researchers from academia with broad knowledge in the fields relevant to the consortium.
The consortium’s products must have the potential for a major impact on the Israeli economy.

Knowledge-Building Consortium – Focuses on applied academic studies in fields in which industry is not yet ready to play a significant part as far as R&D, but where there is significant potential to promote it via knowledge maturing. The companies’ role in this consortium is to serve in a supporting and mentoring capacity.

Ma’agadon – this consortium is relevant for a limited number of companies that receive assistance from a small number of academic researchers for focused technological development that may have a significant influence on the companies’ business activity.

Who Is the Incentive Program For?

– Israeli companies interested in developing innovative technologies on which to base their next generation of products.

– Israeli academic research groups engaged in scientific or technological research, seeking to promote applied research as part of a consortium, to collaborate with the industry, and to study market needs

What Do You Get?

The kind and amount of funding varies depending on the type of consortium and other parameters. 

Contact us at Mor to find out more on how we can help you through the application process. 

Contact info

Dr. Sari Prutchi Sagiv

Director of Tech Transfer at Mor

sari@mor-research.com To Their Website Arrow right