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15 Results were found on "Medical Devices" technology category.

Smart Cap for Better Traumatic Brain Injury Rehab

A cap that facilitates continuous non-invasive monitoring to correct intracranial pressure imbalance to improve rehab and lead to a faster return to productivity


Dr. Yaron Sacher, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Lihi Mansano, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center
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DONI – commercialized to Doni Life

A device that supports skin and muscles between the vagina and rectum, preventing perineal tears that can have serious consequences (OASIS).


Michal Grosvald Yaar, Rabin Medical Center
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A real-time sensory technology to assist surgeons in determining the optimal level of ultrasound energy to prevent temporary or chronic corneal endothelial edema.


Prof. Yoav Nahum, Rabin Medical Center
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Safe Shower – commercialized to Modcon

Monitoring system for the prevention of suicide in medical settings


Prof. Gil Zalsman, Geha Mental Health Cente
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Improving Vision Despite Macular Degeneration

Innovative contact lens with decentered pinhole for age related degeneration (AMD) patients


Gonen Omer
Dr. Ori Mahler, Kaplan Medical Center
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