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31 Results Were Found On Technologies


An external anchor that monitors and provides incremental suture tension, improving success rates of tendon repair surgery, enhancing internal healing of the tendon, and even reducing chances of requiring additional surgery.


Dr. Amir Oron, Kaplan Medical Center
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Improved Large-Bore Vascular Closure Device

A Vascular Closure Device that achieves optimal closure of the vascular access site through a new mechanism of delivery sheath with side window and peel-away design together with a stent graft with improved features


Dr. Ronen Jaffe, Carmel Medical Center
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Complete Removal of the Trabecular Meshwork in Glaucoma

A device for the complete removal of the Trabecular Meshwork in Glaucoma patients—MIGS that is safer, and more effective.


Dr. Avner Belkin, Meir Medical Center
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Smart Cap for Better Traumatic Brain Injury Rehab

A cap that facilitates continuous non-invasive monitoring to correct intracranial pressure imbalance to improve rehab and lead to a faster return to productivity


Dr. Yaron Sacher, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center
Dr. Lihi Mansano, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Center
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Automated AI Platform for Surgery Approval

A decision support platform for surgery approval based on a broad AI analysis of the clinical components under consideration


Menahem Shuraki, Clalit Mushlam
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Alzeimer’s Decline Detection – commercialized to Alzai Health Corp.

A decision support monitoring tool for physicians to detect in a timely manner functional decline in their AD patients.


Dr. Amir Glik, Rabin Medical Center
Prof. Felix Benninger, Rabin Medical Center
Prof. Miriam Furst-Yust, Rabin Medical Center
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Screening for Alzheimer’s

Decision support system for early identification of subjects at risk of developing dementia using machine learning models based on a range of risk factors.


Dr. Amir Glik, Beilinson Medical Center
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Asmos Tech Medical

A kit for multiple antigenic, and pH testing to obtain fast diagnosis of infections saving waiting time for treatment by Ob/Gyns    


Dr. Arnon Agmon
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DONI – commercialized to Doni Life

A device that supports skin and muscles between the vagina and rectum, preventing perineal tears that can have serious consequences (OASIS).


Michal Grosvald Yaar, Rabin Medical Center
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A real-time sensory technology to assist surgeons in determining the optimal level of ultrasound energy to prevent temporary or chronic corneal endothelial edema.


Prof. Yoav Nahum, Rabin Medical Center
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