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6 Results were found on "Digital Health" technology category.

Algorithmic Screening for Liver Cirrhosis

An algorithm that helps predict the risk of developing liver cirrhosis through a blood test.


Prof. Ziv Neeman, HaEmek Medicl Center
Dr. Rawi Hazzan, HaEmek Medicl Center
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Automated AI Platform for Surgery Approval

A decision support platform for surgery approval based on a broad AI analysis of the clinical components under consideration


Menahem Shuraki, Clalit Mushlam
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Alzeimer’s Decline Detection – commercialized to Alzai Health Corp.

A decision support monitoring tool for physicians to detect in a timely manner functional decline in their AD patients.


Dr. Amir Glik, Rabin Medical Center
Prof. Felix Benninger, Rabin Medical Center
Prof. Miriam Furst-Yust, Rabin Medical Center
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Screening for Alzheimer’s

Decision support system for early identification of subjects at risk of developing dementia using machine learning models based on a range of risk factors.


Dr. Amir Glik, Beilinson Medical Center
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A wearable non-invasive system to measure, monitor and train on the swallowing function using impedance, EMG, vibration and acoustic sensors


Dr. Hagit Shoffel-Havakok, Rabin Medical Center
Sajaa Assi
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Software to help GP’s and Endocrinologists choose treatment based on clinical parameters, research and actual patient observation data.


Dr. Doron Netzer, Community Health Division
Dr. Eytan Roitman, Diabetes Medical Center
Dr. Dan Nabriski
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